The official report of the 4th International Uranium Film Festival Rio de Janeiro May 2014 is now published. More than 60 nuclear and atomic documentaries, movies and animations were screened in the Cinematheque of Rio de Janeiro's Modern Art Museum between May 14th to May 25th. The 66 pages report "Victories & Dificulties" includes photos, statements, the Yellow Oscar and Special Achievement Awards and the list of all screened films.
Please Download here the Report!
Argentine/Brazil, 2012, 106 min, Portuguese with English subtitles
Production: O Movimento Falso Filmes
The Hibakusha of Brazil. August 6, 1945, at quarter past eight in the morning the USA are dropping the first atomic bomb on the civilian population of the city of Hiroshima. This documentary chronicles the lives of survivors of Hiroshima who are now living in Brazil.came to live in Brazil...
(25 Jahre Tschernobyl: Leben Mit Einer Tragödie)
Alemanha/Ucrânia, 2010, 27 min, alemão, legendas em português
Classificação indicativa 12
Documentário sobre os efeitos do acidente em Chernobyl e suas novas vítimas. Premiado em Cannes, Corporate Media & TV Awards 2011.
Japão, 2014, 56 min, japonês, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
A dona de casa Setsuko Kida perdeu o seu lar por causa do acidente nuclear em Fukushima. Seu filho trabalhava na usina nuclear.
Japan, 2013, 71 min, Japanese and English, English/Arabic subtitles
The award-winning film A2-B-C is named for the different stages of growth of thyroid cells from harmless cysts to cancer. Many children in Fukushima were never evacuated after the nuclear meltdown on March 11, 2011. Now the number of Fukushima children found to have thyroid cysts and nodules is increasing. What will this mean for their future? „There is no way for us to escape from this fear. We’re not only worried about external radiation exposure, but also about internal exposure. So we’re testing all the food.“
Q&A with Ian Thomas Ash + N.N. (Amman 2014)
Germany, 2012, 4 min, no dialogue
World Premiere
Animated short film about Fukushima children who can't play outside. About their dreams and realities.
Bachelor in 2012 of Shoko Hara and Paul Brenner
Sound design and Music: Lorenz Schimpf
Teachers: Prof. Klaus Birk, Alexander Hanowski, Martin Hesselmeier
DHBW Ravensburg, Studiengang Mediendesign
Director Paul Brenner present, Munich 2013
Poland, 2013, 5 min
"After All is the best animated film of the Uranium Film Festival 2014. The film by Bogna Kowalczyk shows us through the metaphor striptease the hazards of radioactivity and nuclear power.”
Ucrânia, 2011, 56 min, ucraniano e russo, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
Documentário sobre os “chernobilanos”: para eles Chernobyl é sua terra natal que precisou ser abandonada e só pode ser visitada anualmente em 9 de maio. Classificação indicativa 12.
(Poison DUst)
EUA, 2005, 58 min, inglês, legendas em espanhol
Classificação indicativa 16
Soldados americanos no Iraque voltam para casa contaminados com pó radioativo (DU) das armas e seus filhos estão nascendo deformados. Classificação indicativa 16
Itália, 2006, 6 min, inglês, legendas em italiano
Classificação indicativa 12
Ponto de vista de um italiano sobre a luta dos australianos contra a indústria nuclear na Austrália.
Germany, 2012, 29 min
There are now about 300,000 tons of highly radioactive waste worldwide that must be safely stored. But how should we manage this problem - without any permanent disposal site? The film follows different people who try to find solutions. Two worlds are clashing. While the citizens in the German Wendland region for decades fight against the construction of a permanent waste storage site in their region (Gorleben), a small town in Sweden, Östhammar, has put an application to host such a nuclear waste storage site.
México, 2012, 2 min, russo, legendas em espanhol e russo
Classificação indicativa 10
Imagine o que acontece na atmosfera da Terra quando uma bomba atômica explode? Onde a Ciência e a Arte se encontram.
França/Japão, 2013, 94 min, japonês e francês, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
A vida depois do acidente nuclear em Fukushima e o perigo invisível.
Alemanha/Japão, 2013, 83 min, japonês, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
Documentário sobre o que podemos fazer depois do desastre nuclear de Fukushima.
Estonia, 2012, 14 min, without dialog
Comedy Thriller
Producer: Tallinn University Baltic Film and Media School; Estonian Academy of Arts
"What would happen if I gave some of my dad's nuclear liquids to my pet rat?" the kid thought as he poured some uranium into his rat's bowl. BANG!! Curiosity Kills is a splatter comedy about a radioactive killer rat.
(Dii'go To Baahaane)
USA | 2012 | 33 min | Documentary
Directors: Deborah Begel and David Lindblom
Executive Producers: Dr. Johnnye Lewis and Chris Shuey
Original language : Navajo & English | Subtitles: English
This documentary is a four part meditation on the Navajo people’s problems with contaminated drinking water. Nearly one out of three people in the Navajo Nation struggle with this issue. Four Stories About Water opens with a waterfall of people who reveal the scope of water contamination problems on Navajo lands, from the health problems that were likely caused by uranium tailings left uncovered to the view of water as “a spiritual element” to the fact that 30% of the Navajo people don’t have access to safe water. «For us Diné people, if we treat water with respect and have spiritual faith, water will respect us. In this way, we will go forward in a balanced and harmonised life. » David Begay
Ukraine, 2011, 11 min
Sand-Animation film, no dialogue
The film was created in sand animation technique as a tribute to those who died immediately or was dying a slow death for years or who today is seriously ill having received the radiation dose as a child. Chernobyl consequences, we see them today, the increasing number of cancer patients, especially among children in my country. These are the children of my peers, peers of Chernobyl catastrophe. Every event of our times and each event of the past should teach us: The main thing is to remember.
(Evolution of Beastliness)
Rússia, 2013, 4 min, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa livre
O que fazer com o seu lixo? E quando o lixo for atômico?
EUA, 2010, 2 min
Videoarte, sem diálogos
Classificação indicativa 10
Uma breve observação do mais global da globalização.
Australia, 2013, 86 min, English
Production Peter Kaufmann
FALLOUT explores the impulses of novelist Nevil Shute who predicted a nuclear war in his visionary novel On the Beach, and its adaptation by Stanley Kramer into a Hollywood movie. Filmed in Melbourne in 1959, it starred Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner. The production was a media circus, the public thrilled at the sight of the stars Ava and Gregory, but it ended in acrimony for Shute and Kramer. Meanwhile the Eisenhower administration, fearing the impact of the reality of nuclear war on the American people, attempted to obstruct the film's production and discredit it on release. FALLOUT pays tribute to Shute's cautionary tale for the potential of nuclear disaster, and the galvanising impact of a terror to which we have now become strangely inured. FALLOUT not only reveals the untold story of ON THE BEACH but also explores the resonance of both the novel and the film in the post Fukushima age as Shute’s prophesy becomes eerily prescient once again...
Taiwan, 2013, 65 min, Mandarin &Tao, English subtitles
There are 3 nuclear power plants in Taiwan, the Island which lies 180 kilometres off the coast of mainland China. Taiwan's government has built the nuclear plants for economical development, but it dumps the nuclear waste onto the indigenous lands. One of the „nuclear“ night-mares is the nuclear waste storage site on the Island Punsu no Tao, „Orchid Island“. It was build without consulting the Island‘s indigenous Tao people. For years they protest against the nuclear waste storage site.
Germany | 2013 | 92 min | Fiction
Director Michael von Hohenberg | Producer: White-Lake-City
Original Language: German | Subtitles : English
Film production:
Yellow Oscar 2014, Fiction/Student Production
Atomic War! What will happen in a small town in the middle of Germany? People enter the bunkers. But there is space only for a few. The movie is a project by the “Jugendfilmprojekte Oberfranken”. It was shot in original bunkers in the Bavarian region Oberfranken with many young people, shooting their first professional movie.
Japão/ Costa Rica, 2009, 61 min, japonês, legendas em espanhol
Classificação indicativa 10
Documentário com as vozes de 102 vítimas das bombas atômicas lançadas sobre Hiroshima e Nagasaki, enquanto viajavam ao redor do mundo. Uma mensagem de esperança.
Italy | 2013 | 64 min | Documentary
Director: Alessandro Tesei |
Producer: Teatro Primo Studio – Film Beyond,
Original Language: Italian | Subtitles: English
Synopsis: A travel both into the “No Go Zone” of Fukushima and in Japanese people’s feelings and believes after the reaction to nuclear disaster. March 11, 2011: Japan was struck by one of the most violent earthquakes ever recorded then proceeded by a Tsunami. Waves exceeded every security barrier and damaged Fukushima’s Central Nuclear Power Plant provoking huge amounts of radioactive particles throughout Japan. A restricted area with a 20 km diameter, the No-Go Zone, was immediately evacuated and declared an off-limits territory. Seven months after the disaster photographer Alessandro Tesei succeeded in entering the forbidden area. Fukushame has gathered images from Tesei’s trip, numerous interviews of both common people and politicians and special contributions of scientific explanations of great significance.
Film website:!video/c1y3c
ENERGY AWARD - Cinema Verde Film Festival 2013 (USA)
YELLOW OSCAR, BEST FEATURE DOCUMENTARY, International Uranium Film Festival 2014
EUA, 2013, 90 min, inglês, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 14
O desenvolvimento de uma bomba nuclear em uma base militar secreta. A região está contaminada, o que acontece com animais e moradores contaminados? Baseado no poema de Stefene Russell.
México, 2013-2014, 8 min, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 10
A corrida armamentista é um fenômeno à beira da detonação. As mais de 30.000 bombas atômicas têm massa crítica suficiente para transformar nosso planeta em uma nuvem nuclear e estender o seu impacto para o espaço.
(Herr Hoppe und der Atommüll)
Germany, 2011, 4 min
Producer Filmakademie Baden – Württemberg
A barrel of nuclear waste drops into the living room of Herr Hoppe an average suburbian German. He has to get rid of it and does it in his own wacky way.
Japão, 2003, 116 min, japonês, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
Hibakusha é o nome em japonês dado para vítimas da radioatividade em várias partes do mundo. A radioatividade se espalha: instalações nucleares dos EUA , uso de bombas e foguetes de urânio no Iraque, passando por Hiroshima onde até hoje sobreviventes estão sofrendo.
Espanha, 2013, 17 min, espanhol, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
Quais motivos você teria para viver em um abrigo nuclear? Um filme para debate.
USA, 2011, 109 min, English with German subtitles
In My Lifetime features moments in our history as well as current issues regarding nuclear weapons. This film is meant to be a wakeup call for humanity, to help develop an understanding of the realities of the nuclear weapon, to explore ways of presenting the answers for "a way beyond" and to facilitate a dialogue moving towards resolution of this Gordian knot of nuclear weapons gripping the world. The documentary's characters are the narrative voices, interwoven with highly visual sequences of archival and contemporary footage and animation. The story is a morality play, telling the struggle waged over the past six and half decades with the last act yet to be determined, of trying to find what is "the way beyond?"
UK | 2013 | 10 min | Documentary
Director: Margaret Cox,
Language: English | Subtitles: French
Trailer in French:
Synopsis: “Inheritance” tells the story of the British re-colonising of Africa, through Lonrho's resource wars, and the British involvement in the use of Depleted Uranium in the Iraq war. A collation of new material from Heathcote Williams' Anarcho-Pacifist poem "Royal Babylon: The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy,” “Inheritance” profiles the complex web of British Royal finances, their dangerous sources, and their damaging consequences. Focusing on the use of Depleted Uranium, we wanted to add our voice to the protest against the use of chemical weapons, and support the call for accountability over continued Human Rights abuses, through environmental contamination.
Switzerland, 2013, 100 min
Produktion: Mira Film GmbH
Lethal, highly radioactive nuclear waste from decades of nuclear power use will endure for centuries. Locating a final repository for the waste is one of the big challenges facing the world. The film examines the limitations and contradictions of this global quest. Nuclear power advocates and opponents face up to this responsibility and struggle for solutions.
Award: Special Recognition of the Uranium Film Festival
Deutschland/ Taiwan, 2013, 9 min
Das Wort Kern hat wie im Chinesischen zwei Bedeutungen. Zwei junge Trickfilmer aus Taiwan reflektieren in Deutschland über Kernenergie.
EUA, 2012, 18 min, inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
O filme mostra a bravura dos poucos mineiros sobreviventes da mineração de urânio de São Rafael Swell, no deserto de Utah.
USA | 2012 | 87 min | Documentary
Director: : Adam Jonas Horowitz
Original Language: Marshallese & English | Subtitles: French / Spanish
Featuring recently declassified U.S. government documents, survivor testimony, and unseen archival footage, Nuclear Savage uncovers one of the most troubling chapters in modern American history: how Marshall islanders, considered an uncivilized culture, were deliberately used as human guinea pigs to study the effects of nuclear fallout on human beings.
Between 1946 and 1958 the United States tested 67 nuclear weapons above ground on or near Bikini and Enewetok atolls. The hydrogen bomb was 1000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. Entire islands were vaporized and populated islands were blanketed with fallout. As the film shows, the heavily exposed people of Rongelap were then enrolled as human subjects in the top-secret Project 4.1 and evacuated to a severely contaminated island to study the effects of eating radioactive food for nearly 30 years. Many of the Marshall Islanders developed cancers and had babies that were stillborn or with serious birth defects.
Nuclear Savage follows the islanders today as they continue to fight for justice and acknowledgement of what was done to them. Despite recent disclosures, the U.S. government continues to deny that the islanders were deliberately used as human guinea pigs. The film raises disturbing questions about racism, the U.S. government’s moral obligation to the people of the Marshall Islands, and why the government is continuing to cover up the intent of the tests and Project 4.1 after several decades.
AUDIENCE AWARD, Best Film Cinema Planeta International Festival, Mexico
JURY PRIZE, Best Feature Documentary, Paris/FIFE International Festival of Environmental Films
JURY PRIZE, Chicago Peace on Earth Film Festival
YELLOW OSCAR, Best Feature Documentary, International Uranium Film Festival Rio 2013
More information:
Irland, 2012, 5 min
A ship dumps its cargo of nuclear waste in the Arctic, stirring something strange up from from the depths...
Germany, 2013, 9 min, English subtitles
The German word "Kern" can mean core as well as nucleus. In Chinese it has the same ambiguous meaning. Atomic energy is the most beautiful myth of the 20th century. After Fukushima two Taiwanese artists compare nuclear policy in Germany, Japan and Taiwan and reflect upon the contradictions of nuclear energy at the social level.
Director present (Berlin 2014).
(The Nuclear Boy Scout)
Reino Unido, 2003, 24 min, inglês, legendas em português
Classificação indicativa 10
A história real do adolescente David Hahn, nos EUA, que construiu um reator nuclear em seu quintal.
Debate com a diretora Bindu Mathur (15 mai 2014)
(Remote Viewing)
França, 2012, 5 min
Videoarte, sem diálogos
Classificação indicativa livre
Reflexão sobre usinas nucleares, radioatividade e meio ambiente.
Índia, 2010, 54 min, tamil, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 14
Sul da Índia, distrito de Kanyakumari: dunas artificiais de areia radioativa e uma população doente por causa da radioatividade.
(Radioaktive Wölfe)
Austria, 2011, 52 min, German/English Subtitle
Production ORF, NDR, WNET & Epo-film
Latin American Premiere
25 years after the biggest nuclear accident in history, wolves reign the radio-actively contaminated no-man's-land, the so-called exclusion zone, of Chernobyl, which stretches from Ukraine into Belarus and Russia. After the explosion of the Chernobyl reactor on April 26, 1986, one city and some 150 villages were evacuated. About 340.000 people were displaced. Uninhibited by the presence of humans, a profusion of wild species has since taken over a territory of about 3.000 square kilometers, creating a new wilderness. At the top of this eco-system is the wolf. Rumors about wolves in the zone have been numerous, but hard facts are still rare. Curious about these rumors, Christoph and Barbara Promberger, carnivore experts from Germany and Austria who have conducted wolf studies around the world visited the zone in 2009 to get a personal impression. They were overwhelmed by the obviously numerous presence of wolves in what has been called the Chernobyl Jungle and is officially the Polessie Radio-Active Reserve.
EUA, 2014, 54 min, inglês
Classificação indicativa 14
A prospecção de terras raras acontece em todo o mundo para abastecer celulares e computadores, mas raramente há informações sobre o alto risco de contaminação radioativa.
Brasil/Argentina, 2014, 31 min, japonês, legendas em português
Classificação indicativa 10
Estréia mundial
11:02 foi a hora que os EUA jogaram uma bomba de plutônio em Nagasaki. Alguns sobreviventes vieram morar no Brasil e, com realidades diferentes, contam a sua história.
Debate com o diretor Roberto Fernandéz, Kunihiko Bonkohara e outros sobreviventes dos bombardeios atômicos de Hiroshima e Nagasaki, membros da Associação Hibakusha Brasil Pela Paz e com o artista Claudio Gómez, autor da exposição "Retratos de Nagasaki".
EUA, 2011, 23 min, inglês
Classificação indicativa 14
A história da Usina Nuclear de Rocky Flats nos EUA: contaminação, morte e mentiras em torno da produção de armas nucleares.
(Sardiniens tödliches Geheimnis)
Germany, 2012, 30 min
Birth deformities and deaths in paradise: Sardinia is considered storybook island with beautiful sandy beaches and crystal clear water. What hardly anyone knows: NATO's largest military training area in Europe, "Poligono Interforze Sperimentale del Salto di Quirra" is located on the Mediterranean island . Around the restricted area in eastern Sardinia occur on many unusual deformities and diseases. Possible Cause: uranium munitions.
After the film:
"Military bases in Sardinia". Lecture & Discussion with Pitzente Bianco, cultural ambassador of Sardinia.
Pitzente Bianco ZDF supported the ZDF film team during the shooting of "Sardiniens tödliches Geheimnis" support during the shooting of.Salto di Quirra is the largest NATO training area in Europe. "Who can afford the necessary rent, may undertake all kind of weapon tests, even companies."
2013, 1 min
Animação, sem diálogos
Classificação indicativa livre
Vinheta comemorativa dos 20 anos do Green Cross.
França, 2011, 5 min
Musical, sem diálogos
Classificação indicativa livre
Performance da prece “Ave Maria” em japonês. Com a reflexão de fundo sobre o uso da energia nuclear.
(Üstümüzden Geçti Bulut)
Turquia, 2012, 15 min, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
Jovem turco é afetado pelo acidente de Chernobyl.
Japão, 2013, 64 min, japonês, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 16
A tradição milenar de criação de cavalos na região de Fukushima está em risco por causa do acidente nuclear.
Debate com o diretor Yojyu Matsubayashi.
EUA, 2010, 6 min, inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
Sobre o mito da segurança dada pelas bombas nucleares.
França, 2009, 52 min, inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
Patrick Forestier é diretor de filmes para a TV francesa Canal Plus, investigou minas de urânio no Congo e Niger e denunciou o tráfico ilegal de urânio na África.
EUA, 2010, 55 min, inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
Desde o começo da Era Atômica a Universidade da Califórnia está à frente do complexo industrial de produção de bombas atômicas. O filme questiona o papel da academia.
Norway, 2013, 8 min, Danish, Norwegian with English Subtitles
On 25 October 2013 the Greenlandic parliament narrowly voted to lift a 25 year ban on the mining of uranium which it inherited from Denmark, its former colonial power.The short film ”To Dig or Not to Dig” tells the story about the small town of Narsaq in South Greenland, which is in the centre of the global battle for minerals. The Australian mining consortium Greenland Minerals and Energy is doing what they can to start digging for deposits of rare earth, used in mobile phones, aircraft engines, telescopes and other high tech devices, in the Kvanefjeld mountains close to the town. Espen Rasmussen visited Greenland to meet both sides of the debate.
Belarus, 1990, 26 min, English
Latin American Premiere
"To Whom It May Concern" is a record of broken people's lives in Belarus five years after the Chernobyl power plant explosion. It shows the plight of children and their parents who have been eating low level radiation food. It is an attempt to warn the rest of humanity to the danger of being exposed not only to radiation but to the undisclosed truth. The film was produced 5 years after the Chernobyl nuclear explosion happened. Becoming sick as a result of exposure to the low dose radation for 5 years, and fearing for the health of her then 7 year old son, director/ producer Galina Sanderson decided to attract international attention to the situation in Belarus. The State run media was not allowed (and still is not) to reveal any factual health related information or sócio-psychological effects of the accident, and the director/producer had to quit her position in Belorussian State TV in order to make this film.
Canadá, 2008, 39 min, inglês
Classificação indicativa 14
Uma história real sobre os riscos da indústria nuclear e do urânio.
EUA, 1997, 12 min, inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
A mineração de urânio no território Navajo.
Australia, 2011, 12 min, Englisch
Produktion Frontline Films
Uranabbau und Atomindustrie in Australien, Sandstürme mit radioaktivem Staub. WAKE UP mit dem australischem Filmstar Tony Barry als Komentator ist ein "atomarer" Kurzfilm zum Aufwachen!
Australia, 2011, 12 min, English
Produktion Frontline Films
Wake up is a must-see short movie about nuclear power & uranium mining in Australia. The film is presented by famous Australian actor Tony Barry
Suíça, 2013, 50 min, alemão, legendas em inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
Turismo em Chernobyl: organizado pela agência de viagens Kuoni Travel, um grupo de turistas visita a zona radioativa.
UK, 2011, 7 min
Director: Campaign Against Depleted Uranium e IKP PAX Christi
Suitable for audiences 16 years and over
Not part of the Competition
Film on the impact of depleted uranium weapons, the current state of international politics and the campaign against them.
Germany, 2013, 44 min
Whyl, 19th of July 1973. The inhabitants of the small village are surprised by the radio news: an Nuclear Power Plant is about to be build nearby. Within a short time the local people began their fight against this plans. The Nuclear Power Plant in Wyhl was never built.
"What happened 40 years ago in the region of Kaiserstuhl is unique in the history of Germany. For the first and only time citizens prevent to build a nuclear power plant." - Goggo Gensch
Germany | 2010/2014 | 35 min (Short version) | Documentary
Director: Joachim Tschirner
Original Language: English
Web site:
This new short version of the feature documentary "Yellow Cake. The dirt behind Uranium" focuses on a secret uranium mine in East Germany, that produced for decades yelllow cake for the Sovjet Union's atomic bombs. It was the third largest uranium mine in the world, located in the provinces of Saxony and Thuringia. Operating until the Reunification, it had the code name WISMUT - German for bismuth. The film tells the history of the Wismut and accompanies for several years the first clean-up operation in the history of uranium mining.
Film website:
YELLOW OSCAR, Best Short Documentary, International Uranium Film Festival Rio 2014
EUA, 2013, 56 min, inglês
Classificação indicativa 12
Documentário sobre o boom da mineração de urânio no território Navajo, os prós e contras e o debate sobre energia nuclear nesta região.
USA, 2010, 27 min, English
Winter 1943. U 222 is being deployed to haul 10 tons of uranium to Japan for a joint SS and Japanese atomic bomb project. The U Boat's Captain, Christian Wolff is a one of the last veteran U Boat commanders and not a fan of the radical ideologues in the SS nor does he subscribe to the fanatical beliefs of the Nazi Party. Only he is in a position to stop the uranium cargo from reaching it's destination. Film Director Edward Saint Pe' is an actor and producer, known for The Big Easy - Der große Leichtsinn.