Fukushame. The Lost Japan

Italy | 2013 | 64 min | Documentary
Director: Alessandro Tesei |
Producer: Teatro Primo Studio – Film Beyond, www.teatroprimostudio.it
Original Language: Italian | Subtitles: English

Synopsis: A travel both into the “No Go Zone” of Fukushima and in Japanese people’s feelings and believes after the reaction to nuclear disaster. March 11, 2011: Japan was struck by one of the most violent earthquakes ever recorded then proceeded by a Tsunami. Waves exceeded every security barrier and damaged Fukushima’s Central Nuclear Power Plant provoking huge amounts of radioactive particles throughout Japan. A restricted area with a 20 km diameter, the No-Go Zone, was immediately evacuated and declared an off-limits territory. Seven months after the disaster photographer Alessandro Tesei succeeded in entering the forbidden area. Fukushame has gathered images from Tesei’s trip, numerous interviews of both common people and politicians and special contributions of scientific explanations of great significance.
Trailer https://vimeo.com/73935463
Film website: http://www.alessandrotesei.com/#!video/c1y3c

ENERGY AWARD - Cinema Verde Film Festival 2013 (USA)
YELLOW OSCAR, BEST FEATURE DOCUMENTARY, International Uranium Film Festival 2014

Director‘s Statement: "I’d like to show people the madness of nuclear energy and the lie of its "civil use". I was one of the first western video makers sneaked inside the forbidden area around the Fukushima Daichi nuclear power plant, only six months after accident. I remember the fear in my heart that became higher every time the Geiger counter showed a radiation increase, and I remember the loneliness of the evacuated people and the dramatic situation of the families, splitted in different parts, due to the incapacity of the Japanese government to find a solution. Now the situation is even worse. The government has reopened a huge section of the no go zone and with the lies of the decontamination process is forcing the people to came back there; most of them have only this choice, because they lose everything and have no money, so the disaster is still going on. We must talk continuously about that and don't forget the innocent victims of this dirty game, called nuclear energy." Alessandro Tesei