Uranium Film Festival Rio de Janeiro Program: May 20th to May 29th
Modern Art Museum Cinematheque / Av. Infante Dom Henrique, 85 / Parque do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro
49 "atomic" films from 22 countries. 12 filmmakers from 8 countries will be present in Rio.
Entry Fee: R$ 8,00 / Students R$ 4,00 Contact for Festival Pass:Email: info@uraniumfilmfestival.org
Phones: (0055) (21) 2507 6704, 97207 6704
BAHIA SCI-FI - Brazil, 2015, Director Petrus Pires, Production Iglu Filmes. Documentary, 30 min, Portuguese with English subtitles. This film documents the making of the movie "Abrigo Nuclear" by Roberto Pires.
ABRIGO NUCLEAR - Brasil, 1981, Director and Producer Roberto Pires. Fiction, 86 min, Portuguese with English subtitles. Brazil´s first science fiction questioning the use of nuclear power. In the future the Earth's surface is radioactive polluted, because of the atomic waste of nuclear power plants. The population is forced to live in underground nuclear shelters. http://www.memoriarp.com
Roberto Pires died 2001. His sun Petrus Pires continues his work and is present.
8 pm / 20h
Debate with Petrus Pires, Hernani Heffner, Conservador-Chefe of the Modern Art Museum Rio de Janeiro and Professor of Cinema at the University PUC-Rio. Invited guests: Brazilian actors who worked with Roberto Pires: Joana Fomm (photo left), Denise Miltfont, Paulo Gorgulho, Paulo Betti, Stepan Nercessian, Conceição Senna and Orlando Senna.
8.30 pm / 20h30 - Opening reception in the Gardens of the Mordern Art Museum
NUCLEAR FAMILY - USA, 2015, Director & Producer Jonathan Johnson. Vídeo-Art, 2 min, no dialogue - Nuclear Family montages found images and sound to create a critique of nuclear history and how it has shaped our current natural landscape.
URANIUM – TWISTING THE DRAGON’S TAIL, PART 1: The rock that became a bomb - Australia, 2015, Director Wain Fimeri, Producer Sonya Pemberton and Genepool Productions for SBS Australia, PBS America & ZDF/Arte. Documentary, 51 min, English with Portuguese subtitles - At the turn of the 20th century uranium is virtually unknown and basically worthless. The discoveries of scientists such as Marie Curie, Ernest Rutherford and Albert Einstein unlock the secrets of the uranium atom, and allow us to peer into the very nature of the universe. Then one clear morning above the city of Hiroshima, uranium unleashes a terrifying power and changes the world forever.www.genepoolproductions.com - Director Wain Fimeri is present
4pm / 16h
PANDORA’S PROMISE - USA, 2013, Director & Producer Robert Stone, 87 min, Documentary, English with Portuguese subtitles. The atomic bomb and meltdowns like Fukushima have made nuclear power synonymous with global disaster. But what if we’ve got nuclear power wrong?http://pandoraspromise.com
Debate with Marcelo Gomes da Silva from the Brazilian nuclear power state company Eletronuclear, department for new nuclear power projects.
LUCENS - Switzerland, 2015, Director Marcel Barelli, Producer Nicolas Burlet, Nadasdy film, Coproduced by RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera. Animation, 7 min, French with Portuguese subtitles. The story of the first nuclear power plant 100 per cent in Switzerland ... but also the last. http://lucensfilm.blogspot.com.br/
Journey To The Safest Place On Earth - Switzerland, 2013, Director Edgar Hagen, 100 min, documentary, German, Portuguese subtitles - Locating a final repository for nuclear waste is one of the great challenges facing the world, and experts are searching for secure, geologically stable places around the world. Trailer: https://vimeo.com/75918238
2pm / 14h
THE CHINA SYNDROME - USA, 1979, Director James Bridges, Producer Michael Douglas, IPC Films Production. Fiction with Jane Fonda, Michael Douglas, Jack Lemmon, 130 min, English with Portuguese subtitles. Few days after the premiere of "The China Syndrome", the first ever produced movie about a nuclear meltdown, happend the Three Mile Island nuclear accident in the USA. Since that time no new nuclear power plant was constructed in the USA until President Obama came into power. He started to build the first new nuclear power plant after "The China Syndrome".
4:30 pm / 16h30
FUKUSHIMA NO DAIMYO - Italy, 2014, 20 min, Documentary, Director Alessandro Tesei, Photography: Pierpaolo Mittica, Japanese with English subtitles. After almost two years after the accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant of March 11, 2011, Masami Yoshizawa, the cattle breeder who never left the evacuation zone, grant a unique interview. He explains what has become his mission. http://www.alessandrotesei.com - Filmmaker Alessandro Tesei is present.
URANIUM – TWISTING THE DRAGON’S TAIL. PART 2 The rock that changed the world - Australia, 2015, Director Wain Fimeri, Producer Sonya Pemberton and Genepool Productions for SBS Australia, PBS America & ZDF/Arte, Documentary 51 min, English with Portuguese subtitles - Host and physicist Dr. Derek Muller unlocks the mysteries of uranium, one of the Earth’s most controversial elements. Born from the collapse of a star, uranium has brought hope, progress and destruction. It has revolutionized society, from medicine to warfare. It is an element that has profoundly shaped the past, will change the future and will exist long after humans have left the Earth.. www.genepoolproductions.com - Director Wain Fimeri is present
6pm / 18h - Philosophy and Art about Chernobyl
PRIAPUS | PRIPYAT - Portugal, 2015, Director Filipe Varela, Production Filipe Varela & Gisa Duarte. Fiction, 95 min, English with Portuguese subtitles. Following a nuclear accident, a man and a woman, looking and grieving for their beloved ones, find themselves connected for unclear reasons.
Debate with special guests about Chernobyl.
2:30 pm / 14h30 - Memories of the A-Bomb survivers from Hiroshima and Nagasaki
MR. MORITA (O SENHOR MORITA) - Argentina/Brazil, 2016, Director and Producer Roberto Fernández, 30 min, Documentary, Japanese and Portuguese with Portuguese subtitles. Film about Mr. Takashi Morita who has been a young police man in Hiroshima, when the US dropped the atomic bomb over his city. He is one of the Hibakusha (A-Bomb-Survivers) who moved to Brazil. Later in São Paulo he founded the Association Hibakusha Brazil for Peace.
Director Roberto Fernández is present together with Mr. Kunihiko Bonkohara, A-Bomb surviver (Hibakusha) from Hiroshima. He is vice-president of the Association Hibakusha Brazil for Peace in São Paulo. Mr. Kunihiko Bonkohara shares his story with the audience.
5pm / 17h
NUCLEAR EMPIRE - Macau SAR, 2014, Director and Producer Patrícia Neves. Documentary, 60 min, Japanese with English subtitles. The only country in the world attacked with atomic bombs is facing again the fear of radiation after experiencing the first nuclear accident of the 21st century. Thousands of people were forced to evacuate after the explosions in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, triggered by one of the most powerful earthquakes ever and tsunami waves of up to 40 meters high, and they don’t know yet if they will be able to return home. The energy that made Japan’s dream come true has become the country’s worst nightmare. http://www.nuclearempirefilm.com/
ATOM TOWN: LIFE AFTER TECHNOLOGY - Scotland, 2011, Director Gair Dunlop. Documentary, 22min, English - Dounreay Atomic Research Establishment, on the north coast of Caithness, Scotland, is a sprawling monument to solidity, optimism and analogue engineering. The intangible alchemies and sense of romantic science at its heart are trapped like amber in archive film and in its colossal structures. The film explores the stages of discovery, construction, scientific advance and slow fding of optimism. http://www.atomtown.org.uk/html/atomtown.html
6:30 pm / 18h30 - Learning from Fukushima
FUKUSHIMA: The Message of Ex-Prime Minister Naoto Kan to Brazil - Japan, 2016, Director and Producer YasukoTakahashi. Documentary, 9 min, Japanese with Portuguese subtitles. Japanese new filmmaker Yasuko Takahashi interviewd exclusively Naoto Kan, Japan’s Ex-prime Minister. The interview was shown at the Comission for Science and Technology of the Brazilian Senate in October 2015.
AWARE - The Netherlands, 2014, Director and Producer Tineke van Veen, Documentary, 14 min, Japanese with Portuguese subtitles - The short documentary and film installation aware/哀れ, combined in the trailer, gives a face and a voice to the cleaners of the radiated landscape of Fukushima, JP. What motivates the workers who clean the contaminated landscape? The relation between man and nature is discussed and the concept of safety and global consequences opens up questions. The instrumental composition emphasizes the seriousness of the situation. www.tinekevanveen.com/aware-哀れ/ - Director Tineke van Veen is present
RANGA YOGESHWAR IN FUKUSHIMA. JAPAN’S FIGHT AGAINST RADIOACTIVITY - Germany, 2014, Directors: Reinhart Brüning, Ranga Yogeshwar, Thomas Hallet, Wolfgang Lemme, Production WDR, Documentary, 43 min, German/English with Portuguese subtitles - In this documentary a WDR-television crew and science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar gains access to the area of the atomic plant Fukushima Daiichi and got the opportunity to take samples of radiation and to shoot a film for a couple of hours in this polluted area. Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar has gained extensive access to Japan's battered Fukushima power plant. He speaks to DW about exploring radiation-contaminated zones, and how the cleanup has progressed so far. http://www.reportage.wdr.de/Fukushima - Director Reinhart Brüning is present.
MAY 24 - Tuesday
2:30 pm / 14h30 - Student Session: Five years Fukushima
Rio de Janeiro’s schools and universities are invited to watch selected films about Fukushima and to debate with the filmmakers.
KOLLWEIN’S DAY OF THRUTH - Tag der Wahrheit - Germany, 2014, Director Anna Justice, Producer Kordes & Kordes Film Production in co-production with DOR Film, ARTE, SWR, ARTE France, ARD Degeto, SRF/SRG SSR, in collaboration with Nelka Films, supported by MFG Filmförderung Baden-Württemberg and Fernsehfonds Austria. Fiction, 89 min, German with Portuguese subtitles - German district attorney Marie Hofmann and French police inspector Jean-Luc Laboetie are working on a case involving the murder of an employee at the nuclear plant Haut-Rhin, when an unknown man seizes control over the plant. David Kollwein, former head of security at Haut-Rhin, threatens to create a meltdown, should the French Minister of Energy fail to tell the inhabitants of bordering countries France, Germany and Switzerland the truth about the nuclear plant’s ailing condition. While the whole region is being held captive in this situation, Marie uncovers a conspiracy reaching to the very top of French politics, one that shakes French nuclear policy to the very foundations. Trailer: www.kordesfilm.de/en/film/43/
6:30 pm / 18h30
FIVE YEARS ON. VOICES FROM FUKUSHIMA - Japan, 2016, 5 min, Director Iga Toshinori, Producer Peace Boat, Japanese with Portuguese subtitles - Marking the fifth anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, an interview about the current situation for evacuees and local residents with Hasegawa Kenichi and Muto Ruiko, joint representatives of Hidanren (the Liaison Committee for Organizations of Victims of the Nuclear Disaster). www.vimeo.com/peaceboat/fukushima2016
FUKUSHIMA: A NUCLEAR STORY - Italy, 2015, Director Matteo Gagliard, Production Christine Reinhold, Teatro Primo Studio – Film Beyond. Documentary, 84 min, English, Italian, Japanese with Portuguese subtitles - A powerful documentary – shot from March 11th, 2011 through March 2015 – that sheds some light on what really happened at the Fukushima nuclear power plant after the 2011 earthquake and the tsunami that followed. An exclusive journey of four years inside the triple tragedy which hit Japan on March 11, 2011, following Italian Sky News reporter Pio d’Emilia who has lived in Japan for more than thirty years. http://www.nuclearstory.com/
MAY 25 - Wednesday
2:30pm / 14h30 - Student Session: 30 years Chernobyl.
Rio de Janeiro’s schools and univercities are invited to watch selected films about Chernbobyl and to debate with the filmmakers.
5pm / 17h - Chernobyl: films produced shortly after the dessaster.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - Belarus, 1990, Director Galina Laskova-Sanderson. Documentary, 25 min verson, English with Portuguese subtitles - "To Whom It May Concern" is a record of broken people's lives in Belarus five years after the Chernobyl power plant explosion. It shows the plight of children and their parents who have been eating low level radiation food. It is an attempt to warn the rest of humanity to the danger of being exposed not only to radiation but to the undisclosed truth.
KOLOKOL CHERNOBYLYA - Russia/Ukrain, 1987, Directors Rollan Sergiyenko and V. Sinelnikov. Documentary, 87 min, Russian with Portuguese subtitles - The film focuses very much on the human side of Chernobyl. It was made between May 28 and June 26, 1986, and some parts were added in September 1986. Many of those featured in the film participated first-hand in the events. The emotional nature of the film is evident throughout and it evokes pathos with the simple actions of uniformed peasants returning to their contaminated farms or the arguments between officials at the plant. Others were fishing in a contaminated lake, and informed the interviewer that their fathers and grandfathers had fished here, so they were going to do the same. The film reveals the horrors of the accident in bringing into reality the science fiction of the past. It
7 pm / 19h - Chernobyl: Films produced more than 20 years later
ETERNAL TEARS - Ukraine, 2011, Director Kseniya Simonova. Animation, 11 min, no dialogue. The film was created in sand animation technique as a tribute to those who died immediately or are dying a slow death having received the radiation dose as a child. "Chernobyl consequences, we see them today, the increasing number of cancer patients, especially among children in my country. These are the children of my peers, peers of Chernobyl catastrophe. Every event of our times and each event of the past should teach us: The main thing is to remember." http://simonova.tv/en/blog
LEONID'S STORY - Germany / Ukraine, 2011, Director Rainer Ludwigs, Producer Tetyana Chernyavska. Animated documentary, 19 min, Russian with Portuguese subtitles - A Soviet family searching for a modest paradise is swept into an immense disaster. This magically animated film combines drawing, photography and documentary video to capture the surreal emotions of the too-real tragedy: Chernobyl 1986 - http://leonidsstory.com
SEVEN YEARS OF WINTER - Germany/Denmark/Ucraine, 2011/12, Director Marcus Schwenzel, Producer Hans Henrik Laier and Marcus Schwenzel. Fiction, 22 min, Russian with Portuguese subtitles- Seven-year-old Andrej scavenges the nuclear wasteland of Chernobyl for discarded documents to trade on the black market. Shot entirely on location, this is a haunting rumination on the heartbreaking effects of the political on the personal. Schwenzel’s film starts off as a straightforward narrative but once Andrej enters the radiated Chernobyl, the film soon turns into a location showcase of the desolate environment. https://vimeo.com/ 57438142
Debate with filmmakers from Germany and Ukraine: Marcus Schwenzel, Rainer Ludwigs and Tetyana Chernyavska.
MAY 26 - Thursday
2pm / 14h - URANIUM MINING
BUDDHA WEEPS IN JADUGODA - (Ragi Kana Ko Bonga Buru) - India, 1999, Director Shri Prakash. Documentary, 52 min, English with Portuguese subtitles. First ever produced film about about the terrible consequences of uranium mining in Jadugoda, an area in the state of Bihar populated by the Adivasi. It first came into prominence when uranium deposits were discovered in the area, since Jadugoda is India's only underground uranium mine. The film documents the devastating effects of uranium mining by Uranium Corporation of India Limited in Jadugoda. For the last thirty years, the radioactive wastes have been just dumped into the rice fields of the Adivasis. The government agency mining the uranium makes no attempt to protect the lives of the people and environment of the area. The unsafe mining of uranium has resulted inexcessive radiation which has led to genetic mutations and slow deaths.
THE DESPAIR (Nairashya) - India, 2015, Director and Producer Pankaj Dubey. Fiction,15 min, Hindi with English subtitles. The film is set in the village Jaduguda in Indian State Jharkhand. The story revolves around two brothers and their relationship wich is badly affected by uranium mines in surrounding area. Hindi with English subtitles.
WALKING FOR COUNTRY - Australia, 2015, Director Reza Nezamdoost, Producer Rez Nez Films. Documentary, 19 min, English - A doc-fiction portrayal of WALKATJURRA WALKABOUT – a celebration of Wangkatja country and a testament to the strength of the community who have fought to stop Uranium mining at Yeelime, Western Australia for over forty years. This annual Walk enables people from from all parts of the globe to come together to share our commitment to a sustainable future without nuclear. Is is a chance to reconnect with the land, and to revive the tradition of walking for country, with the indigenous elders of the land. www.facebook.com/reznezfilm/videos
IT IS IN THE AIR FOR YOU AND ME - Italy, 2015, Director Sonia Laura Armaniaco, Music Jumbo Pimp, Video Art, 6 min, no dialogue - This short film is the bitter jingle belonging to the Kraftwerk's piece "Radioactivity" including morse code signals, that piece is referred to the nuclear disasters till the latest of Fukushima. Butterflies are witnesses and not just, also Oceans and its inhabitants, and us. Nothing new here is said, it is just a shared painful observation concerning our life on this planet. http://hiroshima.engad.org/sonia-laura-armaniaco/
BEHIND THE URALS – THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHERNOBYL - Italy, 2015, Director Alessandro Tesei, Photography Pierpaolo Mittica, Production Mondo in Cammino Productions. Documentary, 64 min. Portuguese subtitles - More than 60 years have passed since the Nuclear Power Plant of Mayak, in the pre siberian Russia, behind the Urals, began his work of massive contamination in the area. Three catastrophic accidents have taken place from 1949 to 1967, without anyone's knowledge.The unsuspecting inhabitants have been studied for decades and used as laboratory animals, in order to obtain data about radioactive irradiation. http://www.alessandrotesei.com - Director Alessandro Tesei is present.
6pm / 18h
WHEN THE DUST SETTLES - UK, 2011, Production ICBUW and IKV Pax Christi. Animation, 7 min, English - About the impact of depleted uranium weapons and the international campaign against them. The rationale behind the film was to create an accessible and scientifically robust introduction to the problems caused by depleted uranium (DU) weapons. http://www.bandepleteduranium.org
URANIUM 238: THE PENTAGON’S DIRTY POOL - Costa Rica, 2009, Director Pablo Ortega, Producer Isabel Macdonald and San José Quaker Peace Center. Documentary, 28 min, English with Spanish subtitles - The short film dismantles disinformation about the use of depleted uranium amunition in the Golf wars. Leading character in the documentary is Damacio Lopez, founder of IDUST (International Depleted Uranium Study Team).
DEVIL’S WORK - Brazil/USA, 2015, Director Miguel Silveira, Producer J.Charles Banks, Scott Riehs, Hugo Kenzo, Dp John Wakayama Carey, Missy Hernandez. Fiction, 19 min, English with Portuguese subtitles - A troubled 14-years-old boy grows increasingly isolated as he obsesses over the circumstances surrounding his father death his descent puts him on a dismal and potentially violent course that will lead to major truths and even greater questions. https://vimeo.com/110934948 - Miguel Silveira and Missy Hernandez are present for a debate about DU Weapons.
CHOICEPOINT – CALIFORNIA’S WATER & RADIOACTIVE WASTE - USA, 1994, Director James Heddle, Producer Mary Beth Brangan. Documentary, 22 min, English - In 1989, a small group of Californians – including EON Co-Director Mary Beth Brangan - began a movement to stop a planned nuclear waste dump at Ward Valley in the Mojave Desert near the Colorado River. It would have endangered the water supply of Arizona, Southern California and Northern Mexico.
CONTAINMENT - USA, 2015, Directors and Producers Peter Galison & Robb Moss, Documentary, 82 min, English - How should we protect yet-to-come generations of humans on earth—people who will not share our language, our nations, even our civilization? Can we contain some of the deadliest, most long-lasting substances ever produced? Left over from the Cold War are a hundred million gallons of radioactive sludge, covering vast radioactive lands. Governments around the world, desperate to protect future generations, have begun imagining society 10,000 years from now in order to create monuments that will speak across the time. http://containmentmovie.com/
4:30pm / 16h30 - Five years Fukushima
ABITA. CHILDREN FROM FUKUSHIMA - Germany/Japan, 2012, Directors: Shoko Hara and Paul Brenner, 4 min, Animation, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Ravensburg - Animated short film about Fukushima children who can't play anymore outside, because the nature is contaminated with radioactive elements of Fukushima. To play outside is only a dream. "We used Japanese symbolism in our film. Dragonfly represents at first the Japanese island, because of its form. Dragonfly also symbolizes hope, perspective, dream, energy in Japan and it unites all the natural elements like water, earth and air. These was destroyed in children with the Fukushima disaster, they don't have any perspectives for their future. Furthermore dragonflies in Japan are carriers of fertility. The Dragonfly represents the inner world of the child, that it wants to be free in nature, but it can't. " https://vimeo.com/51297975
FUKUSHIMA: The Message of Ex-Prime Minister Naoto Kan to Brazil - Japan, 2016, Director and Producer YasukoTakahashi. Documentary, 9 min, Japanese with Portuguese subtitles - Japanese filmmaker Yasuko Takahashi interviewd exclusively Naoto Kan, Japan’s Ex-prime Minister. It is a speech about Fukushima for Brazil.
UNDER THE INVISIBLE CLOUD (Mienai Kumo no Shita) - Japan, 2013, Director and Producer Teppei Ikumasa. Animation, 16 min, Japanese/English - Based on the recount by Granny Yasuko, an 84 year-old Fukushima evacuee, this film retells an abrupt end of the normal country lives of many brought by the nuclear power plant accident. First as a booklet, then to the drawings now into a cartoon, this collective memory should be handed on. May her soul rest in peace and back to her homeland.
URANIUM - Twisting the Dragon's Tail, PART 3: The rock in our future - Australia, 2015, Director Wain Fimeri, Producer Sonya Pemberton. Documentary, 51 min, English with Portuguese subtitles - The third and final episode purports that uranium saves lives, treats cancer and brings hope to millions with a promise of clean, limitless power. Dr Derek Muller visits Chernobyl and Fukushima, where uranium became a nightmare. The proposition that in our energy-hungry, warming world, uranium both tempts with unbelievable power and threatens all life on earth is explored- its dual roles as destroyer and savior, dream and nightmare. www.genepoolproductions.com - Director Wain Fimeri is present.
6:30pm / 18h30 - Chernobyl 30 years: from reality to fiction
CHERNOBYL TOURS - England, 2013, Director and Producer Timothy Webster. Documentary, 21 min, English - On 26th April 1986, reactor 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded, releasing large amounts of highly radioactive material into the atmosphere. 27 years later and Chernobyl tourism is booming, with a number of companies offering organised tours to the Chernobyl zone and the deserted city of Pripyat. Chernobyl Tours explores the range of experiences of so-called 'dark tourists' as they enter the dead-zone. https://vimeo.com/73030582
GRAFFITI - Spain, 2015, Director Lluis Quilez, Producer Lluis Quilez, Ester Velasco, Cristian Guijarro. Fiction, 30 min, English with Spanish subtitles - An apocalyptic world. A devastated city. One last survivor. Edgar has learned to survive on his own avoiding contaminated areas by the "incident" that destroyed life as we knew it. But Edgar's routine is suddenly disrupted by the discovery of a wall with a graffiti by his bed. Just one word reveals the presence of another survivor: "Anna." - www.graffitishortfilm.com
COFFEE BREAK (FIKAPAUS) - Sweden, 2011, Director Marko Kattilakoski, main actor Henning Larsson Müller, 15 min, Comedy-Thriller, Swedish with Portuguese subtitles - During a coffee break two men, wearing protective suits, are having a conversation about Chernobyl, Harrisburg, Forsmark and nuclear meltdowns. Back at work their lack of empathy makes them true professionals. And someone else becomes a victim. Coffee Break is a comedy-thriller. https://vimeo.com/44864627
Debate with Brazilian scientist and author Marcos Reigota.
14h - Japan and the A-Bomb
ZEITBOMBE (Time bomb) - Director Edward Saint Pe’, USA, 2010, 27 min, Fiction, English - Winter 1943. U 222 is being deployed to haul 10 tons of uranium to the Japanese for a joint SS and Japanese atomic weapon destined for the west coast of the USA. The U Boat's Captain, Christian Wolff is a one of the last veteran U Boat commanders and not a fan of the radical ideologues in the SS nor does he subscribe to the fanatical beliefs of the Nazi Party. The U Boat Captain does not want the SS to have the world's first atomic bomb. http://diezeitbombe.blogspot.com.br
MEMORIES OF THE KYOTO CYCLOTRON - Japan, 2009, Director and Producer Maika Nakao. Documentary, 62 min, Japanese and English with English subtitles - Film that pieces together the fragmentary records of Japan’s attempts to develop a nuclear weapon during the second world war. The film presents a multifaceted view of the complex relationship between nuclear Science and its practical application, and how Japanese society has dealt with the memories and legacies of its past involvement with nuclear Science.
16h - A-Bomb: The viewpoint from Iran and Algeria
THE LAST FLOWER - Iran, 2013, Director Sima Baghery, Animation, 6 min, no dialogue . An atomic world war had been destroyed the entire civilization. Everybody is wondering around lost, neglecting each other. Until one day a young girl finds the last flower on earth. Excited from her discovery she runs to people to tell them about the flower, but people do not care. At last a young man shows interest to the story. Together they take care of the flower and fall in love. With love, the entire planet grow and people begin to build civilization again... "The Last Flower" is dedicated to world peace.
IMPRESSION: XPS-160 - Iran, 2013, Director Tiyam Yabandeh Jahroumi. Fiction, 15 min, no dialogue - Its about a blind photographer who lives in a dark room with his dead wife memories,after an nuclear war...it is a sci-fi/drama film about love. A post-apocalyptic tale of a blind photographer who lives in a dark room . . . when you look closer the worlds it looks like a Sci-Fi films that made in 70th decade, the world is full of war, rage, injustice, we are all robots,..... some thing is missing: sure LOVE. The universe is Pregnant a war. . . world war 3 and it is absolutely a nuclear war. . . “I think LOVE is a spirit and it can not be vanished even with a nuclear bomb…” https://vimeo.com/98731056
WAR AND PEACE - Iran, 2012, Director Amir Tajik, Producer Press TV. Documentary, 26 min, Persian and English with English subtitles. This documentary looks into the US double standards as it comes to Iran’s peaceful nuclear program.
ALGERIA, DE GAULLE AND THE BOMB (L’Algerie, De Gaulle et La Bombe) - Algeria, 2011, Director Larbi Benchiha, Producer Jean François Aumaitre. Documentary, 52 min, French with English subtitles - All in all 17 atomic explosions were realized in Algeria. Some of them were enamelled by incidents, the gravest has took place May 1st, 1962, it is the shooting in the name of code "Beryl", it is considered as a major accident in the military nuclear power. In January, 2010, a law for the recognition and the compensation of the victims of nuclear tests was done in France … This movie reveals this secret side of the history. How was France able to implant its atomic bases sensitive and secret installations in Algeria, a country at war? http://larbi.benchiha.chez.com/l_algerie_de_gaulle_et_la_bombe.html
"On February 13, 1960 at 07:04 am, about 40 kilometres away from the town of Reggane, the first French nuclear bomb exploded in the Algerian sky. Code name: Blue Jerboa, 70 Kt power, four times as much as on Hiroshima. In 1962, after the Evian agreements, while crowds of French people were leaving newly independent Algeria, French servicemen and scientists went on undisturbed with nuclear tests in the Sahara desert, and they did so for several years. President Charles de Gaulle had decided on having the bomb, and this was one of the secret issues at stake in the Algerian War."
18h - Nuclear Security
BROKEN ARROW. NUCLEAR ACCIDENT IN PALOMARES (OPERACIÓN FLECHA ROTA. ACCIDENTE NUCLEAR EN PALOMARES) - Spain, 2007, Director Jose Herrera Plaza, Production Antonio Sánchez Picón. Documentary, 96 min, Spanish with Portuguese subtitles - Cold War. In January 1966 two American airplanes collided over Palomares (Almería-Spain) and as a consequence, four H-bombs fell to hearth. Two of them explode their conventional charge and due to the strong wind radioactive material is scattered over the region. An intensive search is started to find the fourth bomb... Director's statement: „2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the nuclear accident in Palomares (Almeria, Spain). For half a century, 1500 human beings have lived misled surrounded by several kgs of plutonium scattered by wind and rain in the Mediterranean and around. This is the story of a lie born during the Cold War, the Franco dictatorship and the genesis of the nuclear industry in Spain. A still alive, open story, in demand for a final solution. " Director Jose Herrera Plaza is present
Debate with Sérgio Duarte, Brazilian Ex-Ambassador and United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs.
THE MAN WHO SAVED THE WORLD - Denmark, 2014, Director Peter Anthony, Producer Jakob Staberg, Statement Film, Co-production: WG Film, Doc-Fiction with Kevin Costner, Robert De Niro, Matt Damon, Stanislav Petrov, Sergey Shnyryov, u.a., Docudrama, 105 min. Russian, English with Portuguese subtitles - 1983. The Cold War is seconds from exploding. The world holds its breath as the superpowers USA and Russia are arming themselves against each other with thousands of nuclear missiles. On the 26th of September, Russian radars intercept five nuclear missiles on their way to Russia. Stanislav Petrov is commander-in-chief. The decision that would start World War III rests on his shoulders. Should Russia fire nuclear missiles at the United States in defence? 'The Man Who Saved the World' is an epic Cold War thriller that sends shivers down your spine, while also being a gripping story about the man who actually saved the world, and his struggle to get his life back on track before it is too late. “I often get the chance to play a hero. But Stanislav is a true real-life hero.” Kevin Costner - www.themanwhosavedtheworldmovie.com - Director Peter Anthony is present.
19h - Award ceremony in the Cinematheque and closing reception in the Gardens of the Modern Art Museum
Special guests: Christophe Vauthey, General Consul of Switzerland, Sérgio Duarte, Brazilian Ex-Ambassador and United Nations High Representative for Disarmament Affairs
Contact: info@uraniumfilmfestival.orgwww.facebook.com/uraniumfilmfest
https://twitter.com/URANIUMFESTIVAL We apppreciate any support for the Uranium Film Festival! Photo: Still of the film "IMPRESSION: XPS-160" by Film Director Tiyam Yabandeh Jahroumi, Iran.