Sr Morita - Uranium Film Festival Rio de Janeiro


Hibakushas aus Brasilien wurden in Rio de Janeiro mit dem Life Time Achievement Award des Uranium Film Festivals ausgezeichnet

Rio de Janeiros  9. Internationale Uranium Filmfest ehrte am Sonntag, den 26. Mai 2019, die beiden Überlebenden der atomaren Zerstörung Hiroshimas, Takashi Morita und Kunihiko Bonkohara. Der 95-jährige Takashi Morita und der 78-jährige Kunihiko Bonkohara setzen sich seit Jahrzehnten unermüdlich in Brasilien für eine Welt ohne Atomwaffen und seit dem Fukushima-Reaktorunfall auch für eine Welt ohne Atomkraft ein.

During the International Uranium Film Festival in Rio de Janeiro’s prestigious Modern Art Museum Cinematheque they received the festival's Life Time Achievement Award, a trophy produced by Brazilian waste-material-artist Getúlio Damado. Getúlio creates the Uranium Film Festival Award from waste material, that he finds in the streets of Santa Teresa. He uses also old watches to remember the first atomic bomb dropped over Hiroshima. Watches in Hiroshima stopped exactly at 8:15 in the morning when the A-bomb exploded on August 6th, 1945. 
95 years old Takashi Morita (right) was 21, when the US dropped the Atomic bomb called „Little Boy“ over his city Hiroshima. Kunihiko Bonkohara (left) survived the Atomic Bomb as a little child. 
Some of the A-Bomb survivors – known in Japanese as Hibakusha – were among a wave of 20th-century migrants who moved across the world in search of a better life after Japan surrendered to the US. Some came to live in Brazil including Takashi Morita and Kunihiko Bonkohara. Later in 1984 Morita founded in São Paulo the Associação das Vítimas da Bomba Atômica no Brasil representing the about 100 A-Bomb survivors living in Brazil.
Photos: Takashi Morita (right) and Kunihiko Bonkohara (left) with the Award of the International Uranium Film Festival (Fotos von Norbert Suchanek)
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International Uranium Film Festival
Rua Monte Alegre 356 / 301
Santa Teresa / Rio de Janeiro / RJ
CEP 20240-195   /  Brasil
Email: info@uraniumfilmfestival.org
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Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank Bochum / Germany
IBAN: DE80 4306 0967 7007 8348 00
Watch statements about the Uranium Film Festival 
Claus Biegert: About the Uranium Film Festival video
Manfred Mohr: About the Uranium Film Festivl video
Esai Morales: About the Uranium Film Festival video
Shri Prakash: About nuclear filmmaking and the Uranium Film Festival video
Shri Prakash: Shortfilm about the Uranium Film Festival in Amman