Pip Starr

I began making videos with Bent TV, a queer video collective and a member group of Channel 31, a community TV station in Melbourne, in 1995. Soon after picking up a camera I became attracted to stories about social justice. Not just for the reasons of justice, though that remains a key focus, but for the attraction to a good story. I get much inspiration from activists. There are so many switched on, powerful and inspired people, who take all sorts of risks in the name of justice. I am honoured to be trusted enough by many of these people to be able to tell their stories.

Pip Starr

"Though he made films for Friends of the Earth, completed a number of short projects independently, guided several teams under terrible conditions, and shot beautiful footage with great determination, he did not have an Australian broadcaster willing to back him. They would not commit even one hour of national television time to a world view won by his experience and fortitude."

David Tiley

SPECIAL NOTE March 2011:

The director, Pip Starr, unfortunately died in January 2008. "Fight For Country" remains as a tribute to his passion and dedication to this cause. This document is largely as Pip wrote it in 2002. Approximately a year before his death, he carried out some further editing to Fight For Country which included moving much of the material in the original 12-minute preamble into a new separate work called "Atomic Footprints".

Bill Runting, Producer

Desde a primeira vez que eu peguei em uma câmera tornei-me atraído por histó- rias sobre a justiça social. Não apenas por razões de justiça, embora seja o foco principal, mas pela atração a uma boa história. Eu recebo muita inspiração dos ativistas. Há tantas pessoas conectadas, poderosas e inspiradas que se submetem a todos os tipos de riscos em nome da justiça. Tenho a honra de receber a confiança de muitas dessas pessoas e ser capaz de dizer suas histórias.

Pip Starr

"Embora ele tenha feito filmes para os Amigos da Terra, completou uma série de projetos de curtas de forma independente, orientando várias equipes em condi- ções terríveis, e produziu belos filmes com grande determinação. Ele não tinha uma emissora australiana disposta a apoiá-lo. Eles não iriam comprometer uma hora do tempo da televisão nacional para uma visão de mundo que revela a sua experiência e coragem."

David Tiley

"O Diretor Pip Starr faleceu em janeiro de 2008. Luta pela Terra permanece como um tributo à sua paixão e dedicação a esta causa. Este documentário é em grande parte como Pip escreveu, em 2002. Aproximadamente um ano antes de sua morte, ele realizou algumas novas edições."

Produtor Bill Ruting 

Australia 2001/2002, 62 min, English Writer/director/camera: Pip Starr Rockhopper Productions, www.rhproductions.com.au "Fight For Country” erzählt von der Geschichte der Blockade der Jabiluka-Uranmine: Er dokumentiert die größte Landrechts- und Umweltschutzkampagne in der Geschichte Australiens um eine Uranmine im Kakadu-Nationalpark zu verhindern. Der Dokumentarfilm von Pip Starr benötigte vier Jahre und vier Wochen für seine Fertigstellung.  Pip star verstarb 2008. Pip Starr was a fighter and a filmmaker. He got depressed about things — the black dog was never far from the campfire," says Australian Conservation Foundation nuclear campaigner Dave Sweeney. "But he was just starting to cement a style and approach to documentary storytelling that I believe would have...
Australien, 2006, 14 min, Englisch Australia is facing what could be the largest expansion of our nuclear industry ever, with the proposals for increased uranium mining, nuclear power generation and a radioactive waste dump. This film looks at some of the reasons why we must continue to oppose nuclear proliferaton.