(A Fala do Cacique)
Most people think that in Brazil there are indigenous peoples only in the Amazon. But in fact there are indigenous people like the Guarani Mbyá of Rio de Janeiro all over Brazil. This film presents the strong 94 year old chief of the Guarani Mbyá people south of Rio de Janeiro and his strong prophetic speech about nuclear energy, ecology and future. His people survived 500 years of occupation and genocide by the "white" conquerors. Now in the rest of their traditional territory they have to live with two Atomic Power Stations and Number 3 is in construction. "The Speech of the Chief" was selected for 5 international Film festivals.
The Speech of the Chief (A Fala do Cacique), Brasil, 2008/11, 20 min, Directors: Norbert G. Suchanek & Marcia Gomes de Oliveira.
Norbert G. Suchanek
(Urânio em Nisa Não)
Brasilien/Deutschland, 2012, 35 min
Portugiesisch mit deutschen Untertiteln
Produktion: Marcia Gomes de Oliveira
Nisa, eine kleine Stadt im Alentejo. Noch bevor die Bagger anrollten, entschieden die Menschen von Nisa: Wir wollen keinen Uranbergbau! Der Film beleuchtet die vergessene, rund 100-jährige Geschichte des Uranbergbaus in Portugal und zeigt eine kleine Stadt, die erfolgreich die Ausbeutung des letzten Uranvorkommens von Portugal präventiv verhindern konnte. Die Anti-Uran-Bewegung von Nisa (MUNN) bekam deshalb in diesem Jahr, 2012, den Nuclear Free Future Award.
Regisseur Norbert G. Suchanek anwesend (Rio 2102)