USA, 2003, 29 min, English
Latin American Premiere
Shows the impossibility of evacuation at Indian Point nuclear power plant outside NY City. Produced after the 9/11 terror attack on New York City and the terrorists announced they had targeted the Indian Point Nuclerar Power station but decided to fly by it to the Twin Towers instead.
Tobe Carey will attend the screening (New York, 2014).

Director's Statement
„As I was reading the latest news on nuclear power and the ongoing radiation accident in Japan, I was reminded of when we produced the documentary, Indian Point – Nowhere to Run. Shortly after the attacks on the Twin Towers, we learned that the terrorists had considered crashing a jetliner into the Indian Point power plant 35 miles north of New York City. Concerned scientists and environmental groups began to study the possibility of a terrorist attack or a jetliner crashing into the reactor building or the highly radioactive fuel pools on the plant site. We completed Indian Point - Nowhere to Run in 2003. Since the March 11, 2011 start of the Fukishima nuclear disasters, radiation safety at nuclear plants has gained renewed urgency. The film draws attention to the untested plans for evacuating a 10-30 mile radius around the Indian Point plant in case of a serious radiation release."
Tobe Carey