Italy | 2014 | 45’ | Documentary
Director: Riccardo Palladino | Producer: Riccardo Palladino.
Original Language: Italian | Subtitled Language English / French
Synopsis: Legend has it that every lake worth of that name must have its monster. Somebody consider the monster as a threat to keep off, someone else recognizes in ti an opportunity and starts to live with. Young Sharon lives there, around the beautiful Brasimone lake, in the Appennini mountains, near Bologna, where fascinating nature and futuristic industrialization coexist along an ambitious and unaware dream. Mountain life, seasons and recent Italian events cross each other, while onshore Brasimone lake they built a nuclear power plant, never working, yet...
Premio nella Sezione Documentari – Visioni Fuori Raccordo Film Festival, 2014
Nomination nella Sezione Global Vision – Dmz Korean Intern. Documentary Film Festival, 2014
Nomination nella Sezione Le Perle – Vetrine Italia – MedFilm Festival, 2014
Nomination nella Sezione Compétition Internationale Moyens Métrages – Visions du Reel, 2014
Latin America Premiere