In the aftermath of the Fukushima accident and its unprecedented and innumerable fallouts, the people all over the world, even those in France, where they depend so much on Nuclear Power for their electricity, will under no circumstances believe nuclear energy is safe!! As is shown in this documentary, even the former President of India, A P J Abdul Kalaam failed miserably in convincing the ordinary people of Kudankulam of the Plant's safety.
The mainstream media, for all the unsaid reasons, have set their priorities in side-lining the people's struggle in Kudankulam; to uphold the rights of these fishworkers' to stand up for their rights, to a safe and clean living, is not countersigned by the popular media. hence it seems all the more important that the message of this documentary film reaches far and wide into the minds of as many people as possible within India and outside.
The film, Get Up Stand Up, after having received much acclaim in Kerala, especially after the screening at the International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala, 2012, at various university campuses and other public screenings, we started an anti-nuclear signature campaign from amongst the audience; the result was amazing, people came forward to put their signature in large numbers. This campaign could be carried forward, with your help too.
Site: http://getupstandupfilm.blogspot.in/2012/11/blog-post.html#more