Rio de Janeiro's 9th Uranium Film Festival in the Media

TV Brasil no Uranium Film Festival 2019 MAM Rio Cinemateca

Rio de Janeiro's 9th International Uranium Film Festival once again brought the topic of nuclear power and radioactive hazards not only on the big screen but also into the Brazilian TV and into the headlines. From 25 May to 2 June 2019, the world's unique nuclear film festival showed 25 "atomic" films and organized two panel discussions on radioactive hazards and nuclear safety at the Cinematheque of the Museum of Modern Art (MAM Rio). The festival team thanks its loyal supporters in Rio de Janeiro: Cinemateca do MAM Rio, Cachaça Magnífica do Rio de Janeiro, Bar do Mineiro, Armazém São Thiago e Esquina de Santa.

9th Rio de Janeiro International Uranium Film Festival in the Media

TV Brasil: Festival de cinema no Rio traz filmes sobre radioatividade no mundo
Energia nuclear, mineração, descarte de lixo nuclear... como viver na Era Atômica?
Festival Uranium encerra programação com debate sobre rejeitos e segurança nuclear
“Nosso objetivo é repassar a mensagem da paz”, Morita e Bonkohara – sobreviventes da bomba nuclear de Hiroshima. 
Filme mineiro “Cidade Radioativa” recebe Prêmio Uranium Film Festival no Rio de Janeiro
Nunca mais Hiroshima: Festival de cinema da Era Nuclear relembra primeiro ataque atômico após 74 anos
Uranium Film Festival – Festival de Cinema da Era Atômica 2019
Uma semana de filmes e debates sobre segurança nuclear – 25 de maio começa o 9° Internacional Uranium Film Festival, na Cinemateca do MAM.
Escola Pedro II na cinemateca do MAM - Uranium Film Festival 2019
Colegio Pedro II - Estudantes assistem a sessões do International Uranium Film Festival
Do Césio 137 à Brumadinho: Tragédias no Brasil serão tema de festival de cinema no Rio.
Uma semana de filmes e debates sobre segurança nuclear – 9ª Edição do International Uranium Film Festival do Rio de Janeiro
Segurança nuclear é tema dos filmes do 9º International Uranium Film Festival
Documental regional reciente y filmes de la era atómica en EDOC y Uranium
The International Uranium Film Festival depends on Your support. 
We welcome any donation! DONATE NOW with PayPal
Donation via Bank transfer to
Name: Norbert Suchanek / Uranium Film Festival
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank Bochum / Germany
IBAN: DE80 4306 0967 7007 8348 00

Only with your help we are able to bring important films about nuclear power and radioactive risks on the big screen - not only in Rio. We organize Uranium Film Festivals around the globe: from Rio de Janeiro to Berlin, New York, New Delhi, Los Angeles .... We screen must-see documentaries and movies that are rarely shown in TV or in movie theatres and we give nuclear filmmakers a global audience. Every year we receive new invitations from all over the world to bring the festival with its important films to other cities and countries like Australia, Greenland, Tanzania, Portugal, Spain or Scotland. But Uranium Film Festivals are only possible with your support, with your donation. Watch here what famous actor and activist Esai Morales at the Uranium Film Festival in Hollywood says about Fukushima and the  Festival. "The Uranium Film Festival is necessary, you cannot see radiation ... but don't be afraid, the Uranium Film Festival is not radioactive, it is about radioactivity.

Please contact us for general information
International Uranium Film Festival
Rua Monte Alegre 356 / 301Santa Teresa / Rio de Janeiro / RJ
CEP 20240-195   /  Brasil