"The days of the festival were a nice and interesting experience which I keep in my mind with pleasure. Don t forget that in Italy existed for several years a parliamentary commission on the effect of uranium over the Italian soldiers. There are also at least two different organizations of veteran afflicted by uranium related sickness. Let' us keep working together."
Maurizio Torrealta
- Born 03-06-1950 Bologna ITALY
- Doctor in Political Sciences University of Bologna
- 2006-2009 Chef Editor "INCHIESTE" Rainews24 ( Italian Public Television All News Chanel)
- 2008 Author of the documentary "THE THIRD NUCLEAR BOMB, THE VETERAN ACCUSATION" 24 min
- 2006 Author with Flaviano Masella and Angelo Saso of the documentary "KHIAM SOUTHERN LEBANON A BOMB'S ANATOMY "24 min, The documenaty received the Award "Premio Ilaria Alpi"
- 2006 Author with Flaviano Masella of the documentary " GAZA STRANGE INJURIES AND NEW WEAPONS" about the first use of DIME bombs
- 2005 Journalist at Rainesw24. Author with Sigfrido Ranucci of the documentary "FALLUIJA THE IDDEN MASSACRE" about the use of White Phosphorus in the Iraq War
- 1999 Journalist at Rainesw24. Author of the book "THE NEGOTATION" about the deal between representatives of the Italian State with the Mafia Organisation. The book received the Award "Sele d'oro"
- 1996 Journalist at TG3. Author of the Book "THE EXCUTION " About the killing in Somalia of the Italian Journalist Ilaria Alpi e Miran Hrovatin for which he received the San Vincent Award . The book become a subject of the movie " ILARIA ALPI THE WORST OF THE DAYS"
- 1994 Journalist at TG3 Author of the Book " ULTIMO IL CAPITANO CHE ARRESTO TOTO RIINA" the story of the Captain who arrested the Mafia Boss Toto Riina. The Book was the subject for a Television serial called "ULTIMO"