Brock Williams

I think the role of storytellers in society shouldn't be solely to entertain. Many people around the world don't have a voice because it takes either a lot of work or a lot of money to get your story in front of the world. As filmmakers (or writers, or artists, or journalists) we have a responsibility to those people who can't tell their own story. Especially when they are fighting international corporations who have no regard for the safety or health of the individuals.

When dealing with an issue as complicated as nuclear energy, there are so many angles to consider and so many lives at stake. It's important for those of us with the means to do so to shed light on issues that affect the ones who don't have a voice, and to bring some perspec-tive to a complicated issue that the world has to face.

Brock Williams

Eu acho que o papel de contadores de histórias na sociedade não devem ser apenas para entreter. Muitas pessoas ao redor do mundo não têm voz, porque custa muito trabalho ou muito dinheiro para levar a sua história ao mundo. Como cineastas (ou escritores, artistas, jornalistas) temos uma responsabilidade para aquelas pessoas que não podem contar suas próprias histórias. Especialmente quando eles estão lutando contra corporações internacionais que não têm nenhuma consideração para a segurança ou a saúde dos indivíduos.

Ao lidar com um problema tão complicado como energia nuclear, há tantos ângulos a considerar e tantas vidas em jogo. É importante que, aqueles entre nós que possuem os meios para fazê-lo, lancem luz sobre questões que afetam os que não têm voz, e traga alguma perspectiva sobre complicadas questões colocadas pelo mundo.

Brock Williams

USA, 2009, 10 min Production: Boxcar Films From Exploration to fuel production, this documentary relates the contamination, water consumption, waste generation, costs to the American taxpayer through government subsidies, health impacts,and the CO2 emissions that are caused by the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle. Each phase has its own devastating impact on the environment and the surrounding population, from socioeconomic to health and safety. This film takes a deeper look into the facts that are, all too often, left unsaid. America is going "Down the Yellowcake Road," but given this information, shouldn't we ask the necessary question: Is this what we really want? This short documentary was created by Boxcar Films in 2009 to explore the frontend of the nuclear fuel production...