Visual Art & Poetry meet Nuclear Power in Berlin in August 2018
The International Uranium Film Festival is proud to announce that it is for the second time part of the Long Night of the Film Festivals in Berlin. The festival will present three outstanding short films reflecting atomic power and its risks from an artistic perspective: Atomic Bombs on the Planet Earth by Peter Greenaway, Anointed by Dan Lin & Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner and Dignity at a Monumental Scale by Kelly Whalen.
List of Films
UK/The Netherlands, 2011, Director: Peter Greenaway, Producer, Change Performing Arts, Video Design Irma de Vries, Art & Experimental documentary, Multilingual, 13 min.
"Very surprisingly from 1945 to 1989 - there have been 2201 atomic bombs dropped on the planet Earth - an astonishing number of atomic bombs implying huge destruction and fall-out. The film shows evidence of every bomb explosion documented with the nation responsible, the date and location, the force and the height about earth or sea level in a relentless build up of accumulating destruction that is both awe-inspiring and dreadful in the true biblical sense of the phrase - full of dread“. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc3EKAszRAw
Marshall Islands, 2018, Directors Dan Lin & Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, poem video, English, 6 min.
Art, Poetry & Awareness: A powerful poem video about the legacy of the US atomic bomb tests on the Marshall Islands and the Runit dome nuclear waste site in the Enewetak Atoll. „You were a whole island, once. … Then you became testing ground. Nine nuclear weapons consumed you, one by one by one, engulfed in an inferno of blazing heat. You became crater, an empty belly. Plutonium ground into a concrete slurry filled your hollow cavern. You became tomb. You became concrete shell... " https://www.kathyjetnilkijiner.com & http://www.danlinphotography.com
USA, 2018, Director & Producer Kelly Whalen, Art-documentary, English, 8 min
When images of everyday Navajo life began appearing at a monumental scale on abandoned buildings, roadside stands and water towers across the Four Corners region, it was a surprise for many in the community to discover it was the work of Chip Thomas (aka Jetsonorama), a long-time resident known by many as a healer of another kind. https://vimeo.com/261408010
Date: Saturday, 18. August, 2018, 3 pm
Location: Zukunft am Ostkreuz, Berlin
Facebook Event Page: Long Night of the Film Festivals Berlin / Lange Nacht der Filmfestivals
The International Uranium Film Festival depends on your support and individual donors and welcomes any donation.
Next Uranium Film Festival in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg. October 9th to 14th. 2018