Theo Antonio

The “vanquished” Apartheid regime readily decommissioned its weapons to gain credibility and in order for the ANC not to gain access to its very costly and dangerous arsenal. If the present South African government pursues its nuclear programme, it runs the risk of nuclear proliferation. It is also clear that pursuing the nuclear energy option is very expensive and the nature of nuclear is intrinsically undemocratic, being shrouded in secrecy and security because of very real dangers.

In a nutshell, what took place secretly during the apartheid years is being repeated. The only difference is, that at present South Africa doesn’t need a nuclear deterrent, as the Apartheid regime thought it did, threatened as it perceived it was. However, international politics is in constant flux and “tomorrow” it might be in this country’s interests to have a nuclear capability.

Theo Antonio

É evidente que a escolha da opção para energia nuclear é muito cara e a natureza da energia nuclear é intrinsecamente antidemocrática, sendo envolta em segredos e vigilância por causa dos grandes perigos reais.

Theo Antonio


"Levanta a tampa sobre o mundo fechado do nuclear da África do Sul, revelando segredos e cobiças. Estrada de Urânio é um documentário baseado no livro homônimo do Dr. David Fig.”

- Coalizão Contra a Energia Nuclear (CANE) 

South Africa, 2007, 52 min Director: Theo Antonio Producer: Jenny Hunter Uranium Road is a penetrating documentary which rips the veil of secrecy from both the past and present South African nuclear programmes, showing how the nuclear industry creates closed cliques of the powerful and fundamentally undermines the democratic principles of our young democracy, repeating past mistakes. It exposes the billion rand industry that relies on a technology whose safety and economy has yet to be proven. It combines archival footage, interviews with local and international experts and tells of a community on the edge of a nuclear waste dump in scenic Namaqualand, cutting to the core of our democracy.