11th edition of the International Uranium Film Festival of Rio de Janeiro thematizes all nuclear threats.
The current war in Ukraine and President Vladimir Putin's nuclear threats show with great violence and clarity: a nuclear attack on any country is possible and would affects us all! Putin's military attack on Ukraine shows that the International Uranium Film Festival, also known as the Atomic Age Film Festival, is as current and necessary as ever.
From May 19 to 29, 2022, the 11th edition of the International Uranium Film Festival will screen around 40 films on all aspects of nuclear power and nuclear threats for free live at the at the Cinematheque Rio de Janeiro's Modern Art Museum (MAM Rio) and online.
"The Russian army's occupation of Chernobyl, with its melted nuclear reactor that exploded in 1986, made big news in Brazil and in the world. But in addition to the destroyed reactor and the three reactors that were shut down at Chernobyl, Ukraine has 15 other functioning nuclear reactors", reminds festival director Norbert G. Suchanek: "Already in times of peace, every nuclear power plant is a risk, and in times of war the risk is even much greater. War is no solution."
Make Films not War!
"No saint, no pope, no general, no sultan, has ever had the power that a filmmaker has - the power to talk to hundreds of millions of people for two hours in the dark“, said famous film director Frank Capra from Palermo who was one the most prominent Hollywood filmmakers of the 1930s.
The Uranium Film Festival and its success depends on people and donations. The festival needs people and socially, environmentally conscious companies and institutions as supporters and partners.
We welcome any donation. Thank You.
More information about the festival Contact:
Marcia Gomes de Oliveira Director
Email: info@uraniumfilmfestival.org
WhatsApp: 5521 97207 6704
Top photo: Still from the Chernobyl film “Inseparable” from Ukraine, directed by Vitaliy Vorobyov. “Inseparable” premiered in Latin America at the Uranium Film Festival 2016 and won the festival's Best Fiction Feature movie Award.