10 Years ago - Mission (Im)possible
2013 - International Uranium Film Festival travels through India.
Almost exactly 10 years ago we traveled across India with the International Uranium Film Festival in our backpacks.
This incredible festival trip was organized by our local festival coordinator, friend and filmmaker Shri Prakash.
Indigenous photographer Ashish Birulee was also on board.
Between January 4th and February 12th we held the festival with 40 selected nuclear films in 10 cities and about 15 venues, cinemas, univercities, cultural centres, schools and open air in New Delhi, Shillong, Ranchi, Manipal, Hyderabad, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Thrissur and lastly in Mumbai.
Together with the films the festival showed a photo exhibition about the effects of uranium mining in Jadugoda
and an exhibition about the non-violent struggle against the Kudankulam nuclear power plant.
This amazing International Uranium Film Festival tour across India was possible thanks to the main supporters
Global Green Grants, Siemenpuu Foundation, Heinrich Böll Foundation Brazil and several local supporters and volunteers in India.
Thank you all!
See here the festival report / See media coverage in India / See more photos of Festival in India 2013.

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Email: info@uraniumfilmfestival.org
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