The winners of the International Uranium Film Festival Berlin 2017.
The International Uranium Film Festival Berlin was for the 6th time in Berlin. Between Oktober 10 and 15 the in the world unique atomic age film festival screened 28 nuclear films. More than a dozen filmmakers participated in the event with a fantastic audience of hundreds of people from Berlin and around the globe. "The sixth Uranium Film Festival in Berlin was a blast", concluded Festival director Norbert G. Suchanek.
Three films from Japan, France and Brazil received the Uranium Film Festival Award that is a piece of art created by Brazilian waste-material-artist Getúlio Damado, who lives and works in the famous artist quarter Santa Teresa in Rio de Janeiro. Getúlio uses waste material that he finds in the streets of Santa Teresa and old, broken watches to remember the first atomic bomb dropped over Hiroshima. Watches in Hiroshima stopped exactly at 8:15 in the morning when the A-bomb exploded on August 6th, 1945. Seven films from Japan, Germany, Ukraine, UK, India, Switzerland received a special recognition.
Die award ceremony was moderated by Claus Biegert, filmmaker, journalist and founder of the Nuclear-Free Future Award (NFFA).
And these are the International Uranium Film Festival in Berlin 2017 winners.
Best Feature Documentary
Greetings from Mururoa (Bons Baisers de Moruroa)
Algeria, France, 2016, Director Larbi Benchiha, production: Aligal production and France Télévisions, documentary 52 min, French with German or English subtitles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o42VnV8qYEQ
Best Fiction Short Film
Algo do que Fica (Something that remains)
Brazil, 2017, director Benedito Ferreira, fiction movie, 23 min, Portuguese with German subtitles.
Berlin Audience Award
Japan, 2016, Director Tamotsu Matsubara, Production Power-i Inc, Documentary, 98 min, Japanese with English or German subtitles.
Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award
Odesson Alves Ferreira
He is surviver of the „nuclear“ accident of Goiânia in Brazil in 1987. Odesson Alves Ferreira is spokesman and until recently long-standing president of the Association of Cesium Victims of Goiânia (AVCésio). Odesson himself was strongly contaminated by highly radioactive Cesium-137 and lives with the consequences.
Since 30 years he is telling his story for that the accident of Goiânia will never be forgotten nor repeated.
Special Recognition
CHERNOBYL 3828 - Ukraine, 2011, Director Serhiy Zabolotny, Production, Igor Kobryn, Film studio „Telecon“, Documentary, 27 min, Russian with German subtitles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zduyeJayD84
INVOLUTION(S) - France, Japan, Director Cris Ubermann, Experimental, 15 min, no Dialogue. Filminfo: http://www.crisubermann.com/
JOURNEY WITHOUT END - Japan, 2014, Director and producer Masako Sakata, Documentary, 78 min, Japanese with english subtitles. Filminfo/Trailer: http://www.cine.co.jp/owaranai_tabi/eng/
NUCLEAR HALLUCINATIONS (ATOMARE HALLUZINATIONEN) - India, UK, 2016, Director Fathima Nizaruddin, Production: Joram ten Brink. Documentary, 54 min, English. Filminfo: https://www.facebook.com/nuclearhallucinations2016/
UK, Director Timothy Large, Production Thomson Reuters Foundation, Documentary, 14 min, English. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gpt46ofCXs
ROADSIDE RADIATION - Ukraine/Germany, 2016, Director Moritz Schulz, Production Michael Sladek & Earlybirdpictures GbR, Documentary, 55 min, Russian, Ukrainian with German subtitles. Filminfo: http://roadside-radiation.com/index.php/de/
THE DAY THE SUN FELL - Switzerland/Finland/Japan, 2015, Regie Aya Domenig , Producer: Mirjam von Arx, Documentary, 78 min, Japanese, German or English subtitles Filminfo: https://www.alsdiesonnevomhimmelfiel.com
Festival Patrons
Klaus Mindrup, Member of the German Parliament: "The Uranium Film Festival which is the only one worldwide dedicated exclusively to nuclear power and the whole nuclear fuel chain has already attracted numerous spectators in recent years. Many nations continue to invest in nuclear power and uranium mining. All the inhabitants of the earth must be aware of the importance of this topic. Not only in Germany, but also globally, people need to be informed about radioactivity and dangers of atomic waste. If this happens in a creative and artistic way, this is to be supported twice. „
Jörg Sommer, Chairman of the German Environmental Foundation: "The Uranium Film Festival is unique because it tries to make the complex issue of nuclear power and its risks accessible to all."
Uwe Bünker, Bünker Casting GbR: "What can be done that everyone participates in the German nuclear phase-out? Are the catastrophes of Chernobyl, Fukushima, Sellafield and so on not enough to wake up the people? The festival is an important contribution to awareness building and enlightenment and hopefully leads to further discussion, moving to thought and action. We continue to struggle for our precious world!“
Supporters & Partners
Main Festivalpartners & Sponsors of the Uranium Film Festival in Berlin 2017 are Umweltbundesamt and Ministry of the Environment of Germany, the Elektrizitätswerke Schönau (EWS), Naturstrom, the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Germany (IPPNW), Sayonara Nukes Berlin, the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons Germany (ICBUW), COOP Anti-War Kunstbar Café, the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms (IALANA), the Friedensglockengesellschaft Berlin, Cinestar Berlin and the Zeiss-Großplanetarium and since 2011 Cachaça Magnífica do Brasil from Rio de Janeiro.
The Uranium Film Festival in Berlin showed also two photo exhibitions about radioactive accidents and victims in the Cinema of the Kulturbrauerei and in the Zeiss-Großplanetarium.
Photos of the festival in Berlin
Festival winner makes big news in Brazil
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