Rio 2024 Opening

It happened last weekend in the cinema of the Modern Art Museum (MAM Rio) in Rio de Janeiro: with prayers and traditional songs, indigenous leader Urutau Guajajara of the “Aldeia Maracanã” and women of the Guajajara people from Maranhão opened the 13th International Uranium Film Festival of Rio de Janeiro.

Until Saturday, June 1, 2024, the world's unique Atomic Age Cinema Film Fest will show daily amazing and important films about nuclear power, atomic bombs, uranium mining and their consequences in English with Portuguese subtitles. Urutau Guajajara is one of the great leaders of the indigenous rights movement in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Watch AstecaNews on the Opening
13ª edição do Uranium Film Festival chega ao Rio após turnê pela América do Norte
Audience / Photo Album
Photos by: Ana Clara Vaz & Brun Yele & Norbert Suchanek

See here the festival programm 

Contact us for any question or suggestion ...
uraniofestival @
norbert.suchanek @
The International Uranium Film Festival depends mainly on voluntary work and donations from individuals and institutions



Main Festival Partner in Rio de Janeiro

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                              Cachaca Magnifica Rio de Janeiro            

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