Pablo Ortega

Pablo Ortega, graduated from Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV, San Antonio de los Baños (Cuba) 2001, is profesor of Film and Animation History in Universidad Veritas. He is best known for the TV documentary Costa Rica S.A. (Costa Rica, Inc., 2006), which denounced the social impact of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) to Costa Rican social policies.

Pablo Ortega é formado pela Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV de San Antonio de los Baños (Cuba) 2001, professor de História de Cinema e Animação na Universidad Veritas (Costa Rica). Ele é conhecido pelo documentário de TV “Costa Rica S.A.” (Costa Rica, Inc., 2006), que denunciou o impacto social do Livre Acordo de Comércio da América Central (CAFTA) às políticas sociais da Costa Rica.

(Uranio 238: La Bomba Sucia del Pentágono) Costa Rica, 2009, 28 min, English, Spanish subtitles Producer Isabel Macdonald and San José Quaker Peace Center Documentary Uranium 238 depicts the hazards that the use of depleted uranium or DU in conventional weapons poses for the health of soldiers and civilians. Through interviews with soldiers, scientists and activists, the documentary explores the health hazards when this radioactive and toxic material is ingested or inhaled by people in the battle fields and shooting ranges. Based in scientific data this video has been used by the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW) as part of its international campaign to prohibit DU as a military component. URANIUM 238 - The Pentagon´s Dirty Pool won the Jury Award as the Best...