Why you should support the Uranium Film Festival
There are hundreds of reasons why people, institutions and companies should support the International Uranium Film Festival.
Every film we have presented since 2011 to a wider audience is one of these reasons.
People, institutions and companies who support us want to get rid of nuclear arms and uranium weapons
and prevent a possible nuclear war, want to prevent nuclear or radioactive accidents, want a better and safer world.
Festival sponsors and donors want to support the victims of uranium mining and radioactive contamination.
Indigenous people around the world are particularly affected by the consequences of uranium mining and the nuclear industry.
People, institutions and companies who support us want to support the courageous filmmakers
who have dedicated their work to this difficult, invisible, dangerous and often repressed and hidden subject.
People, institutions and companies that support us may simply want to be independently informed
about the risks of radioactivity and the entire nuclear fuel chain,
or want others to be informed about the risks of radioactivity,
or they may simply want to see good films that you don't get to see at other festivals or on TV.
People, institutions and companies that support us may also want to support solar,
wind and other truly clean and green renewable forms of energy.
Because everyone who watches the festival's films or attends the round tables
will leave the cinema better informed about nuclear energy
in order to be able to make better decisions in the future.
In a democracy, elections are held every four years and every four years policies can change.
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima, the deadly legacy of uranium mining
and the horrors of the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki must never be forgotten.
This is one of hundreds of reasons why we do the festival and why the festival should be supported today,
tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Become an Official Sponsor
See our Sponsorship Opportunities
Email: uraniofestival@ gmail.com
Norbert G. Suchanek
Founder & Director
Founder & Director
Email: norbert.suchanek@ uraniumfilmfestival.org
Jutta Wunderlich
International Uranium Film Festival Berlin Producer
Email: uraniumfilmfestivalberlin@ gmx.de
International Uranium Film Festival Berlin Producer
Email: uraniumfilmfestivalberlin@ gmx.de
Libbe HaLevy
Ambassador of the International
Uranium Film Festival to the USA
Los Angeles
Ambassador of the International
Uranium Film Festival to the USA
Los Angeles
Others about the festival