IUFF Berlin in October 2025

10th International Uranium Film Festival in Berlin 2025

The International Uranium Film Festival (IUFF), founded in 2010, is the only film festival in the world dedicated to the entire range of topics relating to nuclear power and radioactivity: from uranium mining and atomic bomb tests to nuclear waste, reactor accidents and uranium ammunition. Since 2012 Berlin is the second home of the IUFF. It is organized in the German Capital in collaboration with artists from the independent Berlin art scene and in cooperation with ICBUW, IALANA, IPPNW, the Peace Bell Society Berlin and the German Environmental Foundation.

The next, 10th International Uranium Film Festival Berlin is planned for October 2025. Around 30 new "atomic" films are to be shown in Berlin from October 7th to 12th. The filmmakers are invited to present their films in person. Other venues in October 2025 could be Potsdam, Brandenburg and Frankfurt an der Oder.

The IUFF Berlin has been funded by the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection since 2016. But further donations and sponsors are needed, especially to bring international filmmakers to Berlin as in previous years and to provide their films with German subtitles.


Donate via Paypal

You can make tax-deductible donations for the Uranium Film Festival with a donation receipt through our partner organization IPPNW Germany. Keyword "Uranium Film Festival"

Become an Official Sponsor! See our Sponsorship Opportunities


IUFF Patrons Germany 2024/2025

Klaus Mindrup, ehem. MdB, Casting Director Uwe Bünker, Senatssekretärin Franziska Becker, Jörg Sommer, Vorsitzender der Deutschen Umweltstiftung.

IUFF Event Partners Germany 2024/2025

IALANA e.V. (Detusche Sektion International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms)
ICBUW (Internationale Koalition zur Ächtung von Uranwaffen / International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons)
IPPNW e.V. (Deutsche Sektion der Internationalen Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges/Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung)
Deutsche Umweltstiftung
Friedensglockengesellschaft Berlin

Supporters Germany 2024/2025

Stiftung Planetarium Berlin
Contravision Medienwerkstatt
Berliner Filmfestivals
Festiwelt Berlin – Netzwerk Berliner Festivals


Márcia Gomes de Oliveira
International Uranium Film Festival
Executive Director and Co-Founder
Email: uraniofestival@ gmail.com

Norbert G. Suchanek
International Uranium Film Festival 
General Director and Co-Founder
Email: norbert.suchanek@ uraniumfilmfestival.org

Jutta Wunderlich
International Uranium Film Festival Berlin Producer
Email: uraniumfilmfestivalberlin@ gmx.de

Libbe HaLevy 
Ambassador of the International 
Uranium Film Festival to the USA
Los Angeles

International Uranium Film Festival Berlin 2022 – an important event at the right time

Fünf Fragen an Festivalleiter Norbert G. Suchanek.