Mafalda Gameiro

This news report was particularly interesting for me as a journalist because it focus on a devastating health problem: the cancer in a region of Portugal that explored uranium since the World War II.

Urgeiriça region has got so many cases of lung and thyroid cancers among former mine workers and their family that motivated several study cases about it.

Same environmental measures were applied. However same toxic materials still remain inappropriately in contact with humans and animals.

After these short words about my news report, I would like to congratulate all nominees from different countries. I am sure that there are many interesting investigations.

Mafalda Gameiro

Portugal, 2011, 29 min, Português Produção: Radiotelevisão Portuguêsa - RTP Première América Latina Mineração de urânio em Portugal: reportagem que retrata o grave problema de saúde da população da Urgeiriça e de toda a zona de Viseu. Em causa estão inúmeros casos de pessoas que adoeceram e outras que faleceram vítimas de câncer.